KPSC has published additional lists for these posts for the year 2022

In relation to the recruitment of assistant director posts of Karnataka DES department for the year 2022, KPSC has now published an additional list. Those who have applied for these posts in line, written the exam and got their name in the provisional selection list, now check this list without missing a beat.

KPSC has recently released additional lists for the posts of many departments. Now the said line also includes the additional list of posts of Directorate of Economic and Statistics of Karnataka. Yes. KPSC has released additional list related to the posts of Assistant Director (residual Vrinda and Hyderabad Karnataka) in Directorate of Economics and Statistics 2022 as per rules. But this is not a selection list. Instead, the candidates in this list, if the department is going to fill any additional candidates in the near future, the candidates in this list will get a chance to get this job.

Now additional list of posts as per Karnataka Civil Service (Direct Recruitment) (General) Rules 2021 and Amended Rules 2022 has been prepared and released for the information of candidates.

The list of 10 candidates for remaining basic cadre posts in Additional List of Assistant Director of Economic and Statistics Directorate, 5 candidates names for Hyderabad Karnataka cadre posts has been released now.

Note: Additional list of 75% has been prepared and published as per rules. This additional shortlist has been prepared by limiting the posts to report for duty as per demand/proposal (Form-7) submitted by the appointing authority.

How to Check KPSC Additional Lists?

  • Visit Karnataka Public Service Commission website
  • Click on ‘Lists >> Selection List >> Additional Selection List’ on the open commission home page.
  • Then click on the link that says ‘Additional List for the post of Assistant Director(RPC) (HK) in Directorate of Economics and Statistics’ on the opened webpage.
  • A PDF page will open. Check that your name is there.

Cut off marks are also released
KPSC has also released the class wise cutoff marks considered for Additional List by Assistant Director of Economic and Statistical Directorate. Visit to check. Click on ‘Cut Off Marks’ under the Attention column for applicants. Check the cut off marks of the posts by clicking on the link.

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