Samjhavani is one of the leading Kannada dailies in Karnataka, established in 1982. This newspaper is published every afternoon from Bangalore. Presently, Samajvani is published in 10 cities of Karnataka.
The e-paper editions of Samajvani daily can be viewed on their official website.
To know the latest news and highlights, one can follow their official website or social media accounts.
Latest Top News of Samjhavani Daily:
Death of a prisoner in the Central Jail: An incident has taken place in the death of a prisoner in the Bangalore Central Jail.
Mataka: Two people arrested: Police have arrested two people who were involved in illegal mataka activities.
Let’s make Marathur an untouchability free village: Hunchappa Pujari: Hunchappa Pujari has given a call to make Marathur village an untouchability free village.
Concluding ceremony of Sannati Panchsheel Padayatra in Bangalore on 24th: Concluding ceremony of Sannati Panchsheel Padayatra will be held in Bangalore on 24th January.
Along with these, information on various topics can be read in Samjavani daily in Health, Sports, Crime News, Chitravani, Recipe and E-Paper sections as well.