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How to update KYC for PM Kisan Samman Yojana; Who is eligible, how is the registration process; Here is the simple information

 How to update KYC for PM Kisan Samman Yojana;  Who is eligible, how is the registration process;  Here is the simple information

E-KYC update related to PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, Who is not eligible for the scheme?  How is the registration process?  Let’s have a complete picture of how to know the account balance.

The central government has given a June 30 deadline to update the e-KYC, which is required to deposit the money of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Samman Nidhi Yojana (PM Kisan Samman Nidhi) into the bank account of the farmers.  Not many farmers in Karnataka have completed e-KYC.  Many people are confused about how to update KYC.  We will try to explain it simply.

What is Kisan (Agriculture) Samman Yojana along with e-KYC updating?  Who is eligible for the scheme? Who is not eligible?  How is the registration process?  Let’s have a complete picture of how to know the account balance.

 How to update e-KYC?

 Currently, the central government has announced a deadline for doing e-KYC.  So let’s look at that first.  Documents can be updated online as follows.

 Step 1: Visit PM Kisan official website (

 Step 2: Click on E-KYC

 Step 3: Enter the Aadhaar number

 Step 4: After that enter captcha and click on search

 Step 5: Then enter the mobile number linked to your Aadhaar number

 Step 6: Click on Get OTP

 Step 7: Enter the OTP (One Time Password) number received on your mobile.

Other than the website, where else can you update?

 Beneficiaries can update e-KYC through biometric or OTP by visiting the nearest Farmer Contact Centre, Gram One Centre, General Service Center with their Aadhaar number and Aadhaar linked mobile number.  Beneficiaries can update KYC by showing their face through PM Kisan mobile software.

What is Kisan Samman Scheme?

 It is a fixed income scheme for farmers and its beneficiaries are given 2 thousand rupees every 4 months.  3 times in a year i.e. a total of 6 thousand farmers will be directly deposited into their account.  The scheme has started from 1st December 2018.  Farmer families with husband, wife and minor children are selected as beneficiary families.  The funds of this scheme are paid directly into the account.

 How is the registration process?

 A family desirous of availing the benefit of this scheme should contact the Revenue Officer or Krishi Samman Nodal Officer for the Taluk area.  They are assigned by the respective state government or union territories.  Contact those officials and give proper document and register names of themselves and family members in this scheme.

 Registration can also be done online

 Registration for this scheme can also be done on the official website of PM Kisan Samman.  Visit the central website and click on NEW FARMER REGISTRATION.  Then on the page that opens you can register your name by entering your details in the NEW FARMER REGISTRATION FORM.

Who is not eligible for this scheme?

 Those holding constitutional posts are not eligible.

 Government and Retired Government Officers, Employees

 Staff (excluding Group D employees) in Central or State Ministries, Public Institutions and their respective offices and departments and in their subordinate institutions

 Check whether beneficiaries or not

 Visit PM Kisan website (

 Beneficiary List should be clicked under Farmers corner of home page.

 Then select state, district, taluk, block, village.

 Then click on Get Report tab.

PM Kisan E- Kyc

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